What is TVM?

The Triple Vagal Method (TVM) is a potent somatic trauma transformation therapy that facilitates the release and healing of trauma while building vagal tone. By skillfully manipulating the nervous system, tissues, organs, and fascia, TVM targets specific areas of the body where stress and trauma are stored. Through the gentle progression of the nervous system cascade from sympathetic and dorsal states to a regulated ventral state, stress surfaces and is then released. Each TVM session becomes a transformative journey where clients lay down, relax, and embrace their emotions, allowing for the profound building of vagal tone, enhanced nervous system function, and lasting transformation.

TVM is the antidote to trauma, and has been described as “chemical surgery” on the nervous system.

Our practitioners trained extensively with Integrated Somatic Institute. You can learn more about the Triple Vagal Method at integratedsomaticinstitute.com